Commercial agents (7th edition)
Commercial agents (7th edition)

Commercial agent

Bar President Jean-Marie Leloup is the unanimously acclaimed specialist in Commercial Agency law.


His book Les agents commerciaux, statut juridique, strategies professionnelles (Commercial agents, legal status, professional strategies) is a landmark book and its 7th edition was published at the end of 2015.


The Bar President Jean-Marie Leloup is the natural advisor for the Commercial Agent corps for:

– implementing appropriate legal structures for the job practice,

– designing, drafting and negotiating Commercial Agency contracts suiting each profession,

– auditing the portfolio mandates of a commercial agency,

– managing and securing mandates transmission,

– enforcing the commercial agents rights in court, especially for fees and compensation payment related to contracts termination,

– fostering efficiency of the collaboration between mandators and commercial agents,

– contributing to agreements with foreign partners (thanks to a permanent correspondents network in Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy and the UK).

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